The simplicity and pure form of the Cropp https://www.instagram.com/cropp_clothing/ brand design in the latest advertising campaign featuring top model Karina Buracheuskaya https://www.instagram.com/karina_pill/ is an honest play on fashion and style. Thanks to the great work of phofographer and stylist Anger Models https://www.instagram.com/anger_models/ can be proud. The Cropp session is another cool Polish fashion project signed by Anger.
Prostota i czysta forma designu marki Cropp https://www.instagram.com/cropp_clothing/ w najnowszej kampanii reklamowej z udziałem top modelki Karina Buracheuskaya https://www.instagram.com/karina_pill/ to szczera zabawa z modą i stylem. Podziękowania dla świetnej pracy fofografa XXX i stylisty XXX. Anger models https://www.instagram.com/anger_models/może być dumny. Sesja Cropp to kolejny fajny polski projekt fashion sygnowany przez Anger.