It’s time to bring fresh blood to Anger! Introduce yourself to us. Show your beauty and personality.
The quickest & easiest way is to send your images to us via this page. Make sure you complete all the sections and someone will be in touch with you if we feel that you have the right look for us.
Please, submit the videos of yourself: close up, waist up with two profiles one and full body one in high heels showing how you move. Both in a natural daylight with no makeup, please. PLEASE SUBMIT PHOTO AND VIDEO ONLY IN HD QUALITY. Supported video formats .mp4, .mov, .avi and max 50MB per video.
Please, for the polaroids/snaps take them in a daylight, have the hair loose, then pull back the hair in a ponytail or behind your ears cos we need to see all the features, take one photo from the middle where you look straight into the camera, one from the side a little bit and one in a full-lenght in high heels so we could see every aspect of you how tall you are and whats the composition of your body. All photos must be with out make-up.